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Relations between Bioethics and Chemistry

Bioethics typically concerns the ethical questions that arise in the relationships between ethics and science. The addressing of bioethical issues can be an important part of the scientific design and methodology of a research project – considering the issues of recruiting participants, designing consent forms, or reporting results to participating communities. What would happen if the research outcomes were not reliable? Are there any examples in the history of such behaviour? In the Chemistry workshop you have the opportunity to learn more about the above-mentioned issue as our team will try to provide you with a view on it.

Tútor: Beáta Jelínková
Prezentujúci: Patrik Bošanský, Renáta Szabová, Lucia Zahoranová

From words to actions

The terms words, law, and the Holocaust offer a discussion of the complex relationship between word/language, law and the tragedy of the holocaust. The word is a symbol of communication and expression of ourselves, laws represent the framework of organisation of society, and the holocaust remains a deeply traumatic historical moment that leaves a deep, unerasable mark on our collective memory. Our ambition for this workshop is to reflect on the current discussions about the power of the word in public space.

Tútor: Alexandra Melišeková
Prezentujúci: Magda Packová, Alexandra Kučáková, Filip Prívozník


In the beginning was „the word.“ What word? In the original Greek, the word is logos, which has a wider meaning than it might seem. Besides the word, it is also order, an organizing principle, a way out of chaos. We will look at these aspects in our section in the context of various civilizations. Was „logos“ also in South America in the beginning? In Africa? In Mesopotamia? Do we find order, as the arrangement of the world by the influence of the creator god(s), around the world in various mythologies? Does it tell us about the universal nature of myths, about the character of the world and the role of man in it?

Tútor: Samuel Kiss, Adam Bauer
Prezentujúci: Bernadett Nagyová, Alex Szöke, Šimon Šebok


Join us on a short journey into the world of communication. We will explore the characteristics of human communication.
Later, we will reveal that communication between a person and a computer is significantly simpler, despite the general perception.
During a short stop on this journey, we will find ourselves in the world of the art of the word where we will look at how complex and often ambiguous our communication is.
We will then transfer ourselves to the world of technology to explore how we interact with computers. We will examine how a person controls their ´slave´ or rather a ´brainless machine´ to make their everyday lives easier.

Tútor: Jozef Vince
Prezentujúci: Karolína Holubeková, Alexandra Pleshaková, Viktória Marušincová, Richard Vajgel


Natural Sciences according to currently available information is still arguing about evolution as in truthfulness of the Darwin theory, anthropogenesis, epigenetics, anthropology and genetics. They all do agree on one thing: Development of the Homo genus is not linear; one human species is not replacing the other. In that case we cannot think of the evolution of the Homo genus as ‘in the beginning there were Neanderthals, after them Homo erectus came and at the end Homo sapiens’. Today’s science proved the existence of five types of Homo genus, who lived at the same time period in different places of the world (Harari, 2018).
Besides Homo sapiens around 200 000 – 100 000 years ago there could be found on the Earth other four species belonging to the Homo genus. Those are Neanderthals, Denisovans, Homo floresiensis and Homo luzonensis (Veda na dosah, 2024).
As part of the biology workshop, you have the opportunity to learn more about the evolution of the Homo genus and create your own opinion on evolution. Because the evolution of the Homo genus is still in progress and if there is some kind of end to it… the Biology Workshop Team will try to decipher that.

Tútor: Erika Hrdlicová
Prezentujúci: Viktória Deszkásová, Rebeka Kováčová, Hana Skácalová, Sabina Szabadosová, Sára Mónosiová, Áron Mészáros, Nicol Richter

SDA – Speech work

The Art of Persuasion/Argumentation: Workshop on argumentative speech
This seminar invites its participants to a meeting focused on how to structure and build a good-quality argumentative speech. The participants will gain an insight into basics of argumentation, and they will be engaged in practical tasks with the aim of improving their persuasive/argumentative communication skills.
Overview of the seminar:
Introduction to argumentative speech: brief presentation of the meaning and structure of argumentation.
Theoretical foundations: examination of what a strong argument is made up of with the emphasis on the importance of evidence and argumentation.
Interactive exercises: a series of activities that will enable participants to apply theoretical knowledge when coming up with their arguments and presenting them.
Evaluation: opportunity for participants to give feedback on each other’s arguments, which boots
a constructive learning environment.
Expected results:
Better understanding: participants will gain a better understanding of the mechanism of effective argumentation.
Practical skills: participants will practise and improve their skills of creating and presenting strong arguments on different subjects.
Integration of feedback: Participants will learn how to make use of feedback given by their colleagues in order to improve their argumentative techniques.

Tútor: Ingrid Pajtášová
Prezentujúci: Michaela Ondrušková, Sára Korčok, Klára Kákošová, Lukáš Slovaček, Šimon Šebok


The Big Bang is a generally accepted theory about the origin of the universe. It is a model describing the moment when all of the matter began to expand from a single point. In the billions of years after the big bang, the energy was more and more dispersed, but certain traces have remained that testify to the Big Bang even today.  
In today’s society there isn’t a person who hasn’t heard about this theory. With most certainty, you´ve heard some interesting facts about it in the short videos on Instagram or TikTok.
Which of these facts are true and scientifically confirmed? Are there even any? What was before the Big Bang? Completely nothing or has humanity been living in a lie? This question has been haunting experts, scientists, and laymen for decades. One of them was Mons. Georges Henri Joseph Édouard Lemaître a Belgian priest, cosmologist, and professor of physics at university in Louvaine who is considered the father of the Big Bang Theory. Our job will be to try and explain the Big Bang theory and tell you about its secrets.

Tútor: Monika Kopáčiková
Prezentujúci: Karolína Holubeková, Renáta Szabová, Andrej Janega, Patrik Vrabec, Ján Geroč


Art is a powerful thing. From the moment that humankind could, we started thinking creatively, explaining and depicting the world around us. Art has an incredible ability to influence people. It can be music, visual arts, performances that make us feel deeply as the fact that art communicates messages described by words and also non-verbally. Art is a powerful means of communication and self-expression, both verbal and non-verbal. In the Art workshop we plan to share this experience with you. 

Tútor: Beáta Jelínková
Prezentujúci: Sofia Hamarová, Natália Takáčová, Tímea Khernová


Proglas, or Preface to the Translation of the Four Gospels, is preserved in Old Slavonic literature. It is a mature verse poem – a hymn of praise, celebrating the Slavonic translation of the Bible and praising the vernacular language as the foundation of learning.
Proglas is a passionate appeal to the nation to take care of the books in its speech.
n Proglas the image of the word dominates, which can be interpreted not only as a statement but also as scripture, education or as a designation of the Bible. Constantine the Philosopher presents the arguments he used to defend the translation of the Bible into Old Slavonic. He stressed the need for language, without which writing cannot be developed, without writing knowledge cannot be perfected, and without knowledge true religiosity cannot be developed and faith cannot be perfected. He thus demonstrated the right of every nation to have its own language and at the same time drew attention to the necessity of written culture for the cultural, social and religious development of a nation.
Proglas stands out for its richness of thought, but also for the sophistication of its speech and style. It has a strong democratic character that equalizes all peoples to develop education in their speech.

Tútor: Ingrid Pajtášová, Darina Tiefenbach
Prezentujúci: Emma Malchová, Laura Szabová, Rebeka Kováčová, Adam Medveď


In today’s globalized world, cross-cultural communication has become increasingly important. Certain words or phrases may have different connotations or meanings in different cultures, and failing to understand these nuances can lead to misunderstandings or even offense. It is essential to remember that language is not just a means of communication but also a reflection of a person’s culture, values and beliefs. Therefore, it is important to approach cross-cultural communication with an open mind and willingness to learn and understand the nuances of different languages and cultures, ultimately leading to breaking down barriers between people of different cultures and better understanding of each
other´s perspectives.
Our workshop aims to explore the challenges of cross-cultural communication, give some practical examples of mis/translation and illustrate ethical and practical implications.
So let’s dive in and discover how we can break down barriers and build bridges through language.

Tútor: Zuzana Markusková, Eva Takácsová, Gareth Langford
Prezentujúci: Lenka Vargová, Veronika Kosecová, Oliver Baráni, Samuel Šušla


What does an ordinary person imagine when hearing the word MATHS? Only numbers might come to their minds, but that is not all to Maths. 
To what extent are words important to Maths and what are axioms? Is there a difference between a definition and a sentence? How can our claims be proven right or contradicted? In Maths every word counts. 
What is the difference between the following sentences: If a number is divisible by 4, then it is also divisible by 2. If a number is divisible by two, then it is also divisible by 4. Do you think their correctness can be proven or disputed based on words?  Or in case your mother tells you, „If you don’t clean your room, you’re in trouble!“ Can you get in trouble even if you clean your room? What does it actually have to do with Maths?
Well, LOGIC!
In our workshop we focus on propositional logic. We will learn to think about statements, question them, prove or disprove them. 

Tútor: Laura Augustovičová
Prezentujúci: Kristína Kása, Filip Karkuš, Evelin Osuská, Lara Záhončíkova, Nataša Hajduková, Sofia Pappová


How much time do you spend choosing the right words when interacting with people? Do you think about how those words might make them feel, whether it will have a lasting impact on their brain? Words affect our lives, we all have been in situations where people got the best of us by just saying one word or experienced that sinking feeling in our stomach when we hear some bad news. The words that we use have the power to bring deep satisfaction, fulfilment, stress or even anger into our lives but are they powerful enough to change the way our brain functions?
Our workshop will delve into this question by focusing on how words interfere with the normal functioning of our brain, especially those that are involved with emotions, reason, language, communication and even our self-perception.

Tútor: Vivien Tóthová
Prezentujúci: Barbora Šuhayová, Barbora Laurová, Chelsea Afolabiová, Adela Urbánková, Lucia Zahoranová